“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde
My life has been exceptional to say the least. Through my experiences I have gained a deep sense of understanding within myself and the world around me. Born in Montreal, I was raised by my loving grandmother who did the best she could with the limited resources she had. Putting her needs aside, despite her own difficulties, she always stood by me and supported me to the best of her ability.
At eight years old, I could be found walking the busy streets of Manhattan alone. As a child, I was fascinated by people and the way they interacted with one another. Unaware that they had a tiny onlooker, I would sit at the park for hours and watch others in their day to day transactions. To some this may seem odd or even boring, but to me, human nature has always been fascinating. The soft exchange of words between a father and a son on a basketball court would keep me wondering for hours about the possible outcomes of their secret conversation.
By eleven, I could regularly be found walking down the steep and narrow road all the way down to the sea shore near the Monterey Bay Library. Journal in one hand and a walkman in the other. Monterey Bay will always be a soft landing place for my heart, a place of butterflies and magic. A place where it is possible to find escape in the darkest moments.
By thirteen years old I was back in Montreal and by sixteen, I had already changed schools eight times. At this point in my life I had found a deep love for ballet and I was lucky to have been able to go to a school that offered a dance program as part of their curriculum. I will always remember Anne, my ballet teacher who encouraged me to be all that I could despite society’s grueling body stigmas telling me that I couldn’t. It is incredible how uplifting a soft heart and kind words can be for a lost teenager, it has taught me to do the same for others.
Constant change brings upon a kind of resilience where you learn to adapt quickly, become a chameleon so that you could essentially fit just about anywhere, with anyone. The life I lived inside my home left much to be desired, but the life I lived outside was marvelous. Being exposed to various cultures, behaviors and surroundings created an understanding inside of me that has helped me develop into the individual I am today.
As an adult, I have always chased my dreams. It took a long time for me to figure out what I wanted and why, there were a lot of mistakes along my path. A lot of what if’s and if only I had. I learned that being a chameleon isn’t the best idea and in order to get what you want, you have to know who you are. I’ve learned that peace is not what people tell me to do, but the actions I take myself to create my own peace.
I am tenacious, I take chances and probably too many risks. In May of 2018 I flew to Los Angeles, drove to set where my then boss was, I took a seat in front of her, and though we had already had a video interview, I looked her in the eye and told her she needed to hire me because we would make a great team. By August of 2018, I started my journey in film.
They say artists are emotional, that we are unpredictable. I have lived a life that although sometimes lonely has granted me a rewarding education on the ways of the world. My creations are unpredictable, but the root of unpredictability is passion. As an artist I am emotional because I have shared in the emotions around me. It is my goal to never stop learning or creating, to keep my childish enthusiasm and to keep sharing my knowledge with others.
I am, Stephanina